Listening to: Matt & Kim
Avoiding: Sleep. mostly. I want today to just keep going.
Here we are, 2011. Who would have thought it would ever come? I remember being in like second grade and everything had our graduation year on it, and we thought it was FOREVER away. Well look where we've crash landed. What a whirl wind it's been.
They say these are the years we'll remember the most. That they're "days of our lives". Frankly, I think that it's just beginning. Because if High School is the best it gets for you in life... well you just don't know how to live. But there is no doubt that all the crazy stuff I've done will live in my memories for a long time. Those moments when you were just purely happy. When you did something completely crazy and slightly irrational. Vignettes that just shine so bright in your mind you can't help but smile. You look back, you laugh, you cry, then you laugh some more.
It's weird to think that I'll be leaving in a mere six months. I think this fact alone is allowing me to just go for it. Not that I didn't already, but it's a whole new sense of freedom that I can almost taste. I just could care less about many silly things. And I am glad. It's also weird to think that I'll be leaving the one place I have known my ENTIRE life. A dazzling 17.6 years so far. I love it, but I'm ready to go. To everything there is a time and a season, and my time here. It's almost up. I'm excited but nervous to forge on with the future. I'll be ready when I get there.
So here's to 2010. It taught me loads. I've grown so much as a person. Honestly, from where I was a year ago it's almost a parallel universe. Crazy how much can change in so little time, such a strange illusion. A year ago I was with all my friends (now in college.. :( ) and having a girls night, because we were all so fed up. I wouldn't have even thought of hanging out with half the people I have in these last few weeks a year ago. I was caught up in silly things. I made starting Varsity and learned so much as a lacrosse player. I let go of people, I met some new ones. I did some straight up crazy stuff. I repelled off roofs. Went exploring. Simply, I just tried to live the only way I know how; love all those around you, no matter what. It's how I live. It's what I strive for. I only want to continue learning, loving, and living --I will, no one's stopping me.
I'm looking forward to what this year will teach me. Who I will meet. It's off to a good start. Today was awesome :) I'm just happy. I have been blessed with good friends. So 2011, bring it on. I'm ready.