Thursday, May 22, 2014

Full heart, full life.

I don't even care that it's past 2 am and that I have work at 8 am. 

I'm just really, really happy right now. 

And so very thankful for friendship that lasts through years. I've been filled with extremely good company of old friends the past two evenings. And I think that's what we need to fill our soul with, connections with others. I'm not talking about the superficial kind, rather, the kind where we share bellyaching laughs, tears during inevitable tough times, and exploring the unknown together. We spend so much time searching for things that make us feel full, chasing after material items, when really the way to happiness is simple. Find meaning. Be real. Be authentic. Fill your days with others, reach out, connect, learn new things, read uplifting messages, talk with God, take care of the body that houses your soul. You, dear reader, may be thinking, "sure, the answer is simple but the road is hard." 

You're right. 

It is hard, but the challenge makes life worth living.

Our nature is eternal. Respond to that side, take care of it, and life will be kind. 

here's some places to start.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

life according to my eye(s)phone. . .

anddd here's an iPhone dump. . . because it's been awhile... things happened, and memories have been made. and I'm 21 now? 
Feb. Moab. 
Feb. Seestars :) 
March. That time I sprained my ankle... 
March. Red Yeti.
Scoot Scoot Rides and Finals.
Team Family. Sisters, not teammates. 
Saltflats tomfoolery. 
9 square for days. 
That time I turned 21. Shout out to these kids. Also, TRANE is HOME.
Celebrating adulthood. 
Decided it might be time to retire these. They saw a lot of adventure.
Mom came for women's conference :) 
Love this girl, Hope sleeping in the car because it was past her bedtime. 
Bought this, and am probably a little too excited for it. . . 
Life's essentials. Temple and running. 
Trusty Nikes - the adventures have just begun. 
Gosh Utah, stop being so cool. 

That Summer Feeling...

If you know me, you'd know that there is nothing I love more about the earth than the in between seasons of spring and fall. There is a lingering sense of magic in the air that I love. A sense of life that you can just feel. Both seasons are buzzing with change and a bit of nostalgia. Just something about the promise that lies ahead that makes me so inexplicably excited and happy. I remember this time last year I was getting ready for a summer that would confirm so much about the direction I had decided to move towards in life. I remember looking at the prospect of the adventure that laid ahead and was so beyond thrilled to jump full into whatever the heck summer had to offer. And it was really hard and really wonderful. This year is different, I'm taking the summer to be an EFY counselor, it's something that has kind of been a bucket list item of mine for a long time - and I am just so excited to see where the summer takes me. I'm sure I'll learn a lot from the kids and I'll be tired, oh so tired, but it's the best kind of tired imaginable. I think about where I've been between now and last summer and I've grown so much. I've learned so much about rec therapy, applied my knowledge in so many settings. I'm grateful for where the year took me, I've learned a lot about myself and others and what it really means to love (which will probably be a life long evolving pursuit). I'm thrilled for what lies ahead, summer if for experiencing, adventuring, and growing. In the mean time I have a lot of barefoot nights and laughs to be shared before EFY begins. mmm. I love this playground I live in, now accepting applications for adventure buddies.