Thursday, May 22, 2014

Full heart, full life.

I don't even care that it's past 2 am and that I have work at 8 am. 

I'm just really, really happy right now. 

And so very thankful for friendship that lasts through years. I've been filled with extremely good company of old friends the past two evenings. And I think that's what we need to fill our soul with, connections with others. I'm not talking about the superficial kind, rather, the kind where we share bellyaching laughs, tears during inevitable tough times, and exploring the unknown together. We spend so much time searching for things that make us feel full, chasing after material items, when really the way to happiness is simple. Find meaning. Be real. Be authentic. Fill your days with others, reach out, connect, learn new things, read uplifting messages, talk with God, take care of the body that houses your soul. You, dear reader, may be thinking, "sure, the answer is simple but the road is hard." 

You're right. 

It is hard, but the challenge makes life worth living.

Our nature is eternal. Respond to that side, take care of it, and life will be kind. 

here's some places to start.

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