Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A thought... or two.

Location; oficina

Listening to; She & Him (loveee) (and the rain outside :) )

Avoiding; blahhh. everything.

So, I've been thinking, suprise right? Anyways, I just can't help but notice that facebook sometimes puts me in a most unnecessary mood. Perhaps it's time to give it up. Eh, what am I thinking... I most likely wont. I talk to way to many people.... but sometimes, I log on, see things and just get, well, irritated. Simply that.

In other news. It's raining :) I love the smell. How everything looks after. Being in it. Just watching it. The rain can fix any situation. Well, most of them. It's not going to lighten my work load. I better go start on everything... it's going to be a late night. I can already tell.

oh, ps. this is for... you know who you are... Optimism is not the result of blinding oneself to problems. But always believing there is a solution.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Forward Motion

Location: Amidst many notebooks on the floor.

Listening to: Regina Spektor

Avoiding: The fact that AP tests are in 2 weeks.

I make mistakes, it's what I do. I speak with out thinking. I act with out knowing, but when I say, I'm sorry, it's said with all my heart. I'd give anything. and I love with all I have. God knows I mean well. It's days like today, when I let my mind wander too far. I look at something, and the lighting is just right, or the breeze blows a certain way, and memories come flooding back to me. I really wish there was a pause button on life. I suppose that's what pictures are for. However, if there was a pause button on life, and I could keep moving with those that I wanted and everything else stopped I wouldn't waste my time doing something silly like sleeping, or getting what I needed done, no, I would spend it in perfect serenity with those who I love and care about most. I would smile. I would climb mountains. I would let the breeze flow through my hair. I would dance. I would sing. I would explore. I would talk. I would love. I would not have a care in the world. No limits. The world wide open. How incredible would that be, to just be free. Not to say that these things can't be done, but we're working against the clock. Grasping every moment with one another. Time just keeps speeding up. It's never slowing down. Often days, even weeks, will run together. Nothing alters our course. But when it does. We thrive. We live. We laugh. We cry. Most importantly we love.

in the end, we're all just taller children.

P.S. Here is something funny and ironic. According to our lab in chemistry the other day it takes less energy to disassociate then to neutralize a particle of something. Could this be true with people too? Just a thought. haha.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Happy Winter Break! Wait...?

Location; my mothers (chaotic but organized) desk.

Listening to; Play list entitled "Milo." [katie clark, you understand.]

Avoiding; The daunting task of putting my sheets on.

It's snowing. It's spring break. There is 3 feet of fresh snow on the ground. Welcome to Utah.

So until yesterday, I had forgotten what it was like to get numbed at the dentist. Can I say. HA-larious. All I know is that they gave me 6 shots of novacaine total and I couldn't feel a thing. Let alone control my face for the next fourish hours. Trying to eat was the funniest thing anyone had seen all day. Lets just say I provided this afternoons entertainment to my mother. And then got some new jeans out of it. Score.

Also, today, I went skiing. It was so beautiful. Exceptional day. Somehow I managed to eat it hardcore. I got sucked under a tree (super sketch) and then after I climbed out, about 10 turns later I faceplanted. Never have I wiped out that badly in all my years of skiing. I could do nothing but sit there and laugh...and dig my ski out of the waist deep snow. It was simply spectacular.

That's my story. Everyone is out of town. So it's really boring. Rachel turned twelve yesterday. Weirrdddd. However, it is neat for her.

Anyways. I've started this ongoing list in my notebook that I carry around all the time. (it's got some sweet personality in it) because hey, never good to be caught with out a pen and paper when a brilliant thought comes. Cameras are nice too. Moving on-- So this list is a list of things that make life worth it.
Here is the beginning--
Sunshine. Grass. Smiles. Swings. Bare feet. Lacrosse. PC hill. Music. Love. Boating. Giggles. Dancing. Rain. Jokes. Tuna fish. Midnight Wendy's runs. Bananas. Camp. Endless summer nights. Waves on the beach. Art. Disney movies. Road trips. learning. Drawing. Frozen Yogurt. Falling asleep in someones arms. Driving with the windows down. Powder up to your waist. Ninjas. Hugs :) PB&J. Sandals. SYC. High fives. Movie marathons. Trampolines. Capture the flag. Climbing a tree- then sitting in it. Adventures. Chemistry. Sunsets & Sunrises. Roofs. Watching the world. Loving more. The trifecta. Book stores. Independence. Fall. Hot potts. Vintage Clothes. Smiling till it hurts. Make believe. A first love. Hearing your favorite song on the radio. Andy Warhol. Having someone tell you, you're beautiful. Friends. Overhearing something nice about you. Making food. Holding hands with someone you care about. Ski ball. Knowing somebody misses you. Making memories. NY cousins. Camp. Food fights. Perfect Joys. Playgrounds. Polaroid cameras. The DI. Dollar theater. Writing. Strawberry banana shakes. Ben Folds Five. Piano. Pinkney's room on Fridays. Concerts (esp @ kilby court)

I could go on. However, I'll save more for later :)

"There is nothing more truly artistic then to love people." -Van Gogh. [i try to.]