Wednesday, December 11, 2013

missed conncetions

it astonishes me how many connections are made and lost because of mere seconds. 
flight connections. human connections. 

today I connected with a person who I should have connected with summer 2012. 

perhaps it's all part of a larger plan.
the times we're asked to be alone.
followed shortly by the times we realize how close we really all are as human beings. 

really you just need to open your eyes, slow down for a moment, and start speaking.

Tonight, I'm thankful for my major, the way it brings people together, and the fact that I might actually have some solid roommates again. 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

. . .

if the whole world was blind, how many people would you impress?

Sunday, November 17, 2013

On giving.

A facebook post is behind these thoughts:

"Sam Pietrzak: Sarah Brothers-  you're number eight for letters. the arrow pointing whichever way you want. Jenna Miller was talking about how she doesn't like to cry this morning, and it made me immediately think of you. Thank you for giving so much of yourself. And the other day i came over the hill on the way to the train station... the view is much better with some breaks in the trees now that the leaves are gone. I remember trying to show it to you, but was like "well **** i guess we missed it."


I worked at camp Ramapo this summer. Sam was the challenge director and we would have evaluations after each session of campers before the next one to talk about what we could improve in order to make camp the best possible experience.

In my first eval, Sam had said something about giving so much and as we talked I started crying, (and I HATE crying in front of other people) because I was frustrated. I believed (and still do believe) in those kids so much. And even though I would sometimes walk away at the end of a group thinking that fell to pieces, I never stopped trying.

I didn't realize the significance of this until today during church. I was thinking about life, where I want to go, where I've been, and recent decisions. I started reading The Living Christ It occurred to me that it would be unnatural to be anything besides invested in all that I do. 

As I live my life and learn more and more I strive to model my living after Christ. While here on this earth, He gave everything."He gave his life to atone for the sins of all mankind."  He is the perfect example of charity. As we begin to know Him and understand His love for us this love literally becomes apart of us and we reflect this understanding in our actions. 

I have a deeply held gratitude for the gift that has been given to me to live and be fully invested in all that I do. I am also so thankful for the knowledge that I have of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the joy that it brings to life. 

if you'd like to learn more about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the message of joy click here

Friday, November 8, 2013


I am thankful for a few things. 
siblings who take care of you. 
"story of my life" by 1d.
raw conversations. 
and the realization that I've changed. 
in the best way. 

Monday, October 21, 2013

Calm Your Soul.

Simply. Wholly. Beautiful. 

Friday, October 18, 2013

Better be ready!

Remember that old guy I told you about who tells us the funniest things in weights... he might have out done himself. 

Our teacher was out of town, so he asked this man (who wrote the text for that class, what!?) to have us write our names down for attendance. 

He tells me, "all right, after you write your name down don't just stand around, make sure you get to lifting! A captain from the army is coming around in about 30 minutes. His name is Captain Moroni, he's looking for strippling warriors. And if you're aren't pumping iron he's not going to take you!"

I about fell over laughing. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

People that are Wonderful: Edition 7

Everyone, I want you to meet one of my best friends Lexi Clukey.
isn't she pretty??
This post has been long overdue in the fact that we have seen each other through a lot of changes.
and i don't say thank you enough. 
we met (by what i am convinced no small chance) senior year.
To this day i'm still convinced to this day that Lexi's family moved to Park City senior year so we could meet.
she's been a such a blessing in my life.
college is messy.
and i'm so thankful to have this girl by my side :)

1) Lexi has taste for the exquisite. I'm not talking like super fancy stuff, but quality things. Things like music, style, people, and the way to spend her time. and I like that, especially the people part.

2) She is a super talented person. Did you know Lexi has played on an album with musicians? and that she can hear a song look up a few cords and figure it out on the guitar? and she can sing with it too?! She has a natural artistic inclination. And it's SO COOL.

3) Lexi loves the Lord. and if that isn't important. Then I don't know what is. Thanks for helping me be better and being my temple buddy.

4) She is really smart. she works hard to do well in school, she knows her limits, but doesn't ever give up. Even when the subject is challenging.

5) she can throw a mean party when she wants to. coordinating events may just be her calling in life. (even though it gets exhausting sometimes.) she just loves it!

6) she'll be weird with me. we just do our part to keep provo weird.

7) she is honest. and this quality is often overlooked in people, yet I think it adds so much to who Lexi is and the types of relationships she develops.

8) she's passionate. when she truly loves something or feels a certian way about life happenings she has real, raw emotion behind it. and i love that passion. she has the power to ignite fires, but does not abuse it. and that is signal of a girl who understands a few things about life.

9) she is really good company when you need a drive. i'm thankful that we can drive and talk and figure life out.

10) we laugh. a lot.

This list is just a few reasons that Lexi is wonderful. I'm so incredibly lucky to have a best friend as great as her. (get to know her for the pleasure of finding more great traits of lexi!)
I'm thankful linda the lady bug allowed us to meet almost 4 years ago :)
Words can't even begin to do justice to how much i love you and how thankful i am that we've been by each others side through these past few years. truly a huge blessing.  I'm glad God gave me you!
here's to many more years of figuring out this wonderful world and being crazy old ladies together in nursing homes.

Love you long time!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Strange compliments and run ins.

I'm not really sure what it is with BYU and old men (I'm talking grandpas) just hanging around campus. Especially in the Smith Field House weight room and track. 
The past few days I had some ridiculous run ins (literally) that may just humor you.

In my weights class there is always this old guy who is lifting with his buddy. They were probably charmers in high school, on the football team, lifting heavy things - doing manly stuff. Ya know. This man always comes up to Kim, Whitney, and me and just says the funniest things. 

"How long do I have to lift to be as pretty as you girls?"

"Do you girls have a washing machine? because you aren't gonna need one with those abs!"

(after we finished a set of squats...)
"Are you girls flying home for christmas?"
"hahah...uh, no..."
"Well good! Because your buns of steel would set off those metal detectors!"

Mostly we think it's funny. And it works, because he's old. When you're old you have so much life experience that you can say whatever you want. If he was a middle aged man, different story. But golly, he must have been the biggest flirt.

Tuesday I had to go straight from weights to the TR club meeting. I changed my clothes and walked out of the bathroom on to the track and there was this old man running at full speed in the 4th lane. My first thought was, this lane is for walking he will probably move in to the passing lane. Second thought. He's not moving... I move over to the 3rd lane and so does this man. 
At this point there is no time to correct my mistake. 
Everything was slow motion for a brief moment and he full on barrels into me... sweat was everywhere and the impact was overall unpleasant. He then turns and used his grumpy old man voice to tell me I'm walking the wrong way on the track and kept running. . . well thanks for pointing that out, the door I needed to go out of is literally 10 feet away from the bathroom and I wasn't walking all the way around the track...

SO my fellow BYU lady friends. Beware of old men, they may run into you or make you feel great with kind of creepy but totally hilarious complements. 

Part of me can't wait to be old enough to say things and have people be totally okay with it, because, ya know, she's the old lady. 

Friday, September 20, 2013

For me, mostly.

I am so exhausted. 
And I have so many things that I want to write about. 
Like changes. and gratitude. and moments that I need to write down before I forget.
However, another chapter of economics is begging for my attention. 
Pictures will have to do. 

Midnight adventures

Abandoned barns. 

Feelings of being alive.

Wonderful human beings

daily existence... 

Happiness and my two best friends. 
this boy

wonder and awe.
music so pure that there is nothing else to be besides happy.

other side notes
I'm learning so much about TR. I LOVE IT. I'm so excited to get out in the field and be someone
Life is better with recreation. If we don't have fun we get boring, grumpy, and die. (so maybe that's a bit drastic...but it does make a difference!)
Life requires action to be lived. Stop being a victim and just do it, as nike would say.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

. . .

sometimes you have to give up something you love for better things to happen.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


I learned a lot about home and what makes it this summer. 

The first thing that comes to mind when I hear the word home is Edward Sharpe's song  "home"- home is where ever i'm with you. Home is filled with people you love, isn't necessarily a place but a feeling that fills the space and time you are existing. Home can be made anywhere you are. Home in terms of sports means where the player is free from attack. Home is a safe zone, it fosters confidence, it is familiar. 

For many of the children I worked with this summer Ramapo is the closest thing that they have to home. Many of the counselors may not come from as harsh of backgrounds yet they have lacked the feeling and Ramapo becomes a home. Part of what makes Ramapo so unique in its culture is this fact. Each person comes seeking or ready to give the support that is essential for every human being to feel as we move through life. I have been fortunate to come from an environment where that support was in place and readily given. I know where I am going, who I am and what my purpose is in being here. Due to these simple circumstances I was able to come to camp and share so much more of who I am. While Ramapo has given me so much more to work with in life, i am still fundamentally me.

Saying goodbye to Ramapo this morning was filled with mixed emotions I don't feel the attachment that most people were struggling to let go of. As I reflect on my feelings, I continue to understand it is because of the solid foundation I came with. At 20 years old most people are still exploring and forming their world. It makes perfect sense that people who really find themselves at Ramapo will have such strong associations with that place in the small town of Rhinebeck NY. The bitter sweet part of it all was saying goodbye to the wonderful people I met and that is when I really understood that Ramapo is a sort of home and that the human lives that came in contact with one another are forever apart of a family. A family bonded over dealing with 18 hour work days, special needs children, and a whole lot of love to give. 
Ramapo is a home where people cry, laugh, and grow together. For moments such as these:

For kids who have so much potential to do wonderful things and are given the unfair lack of positive role models. 

For kids whose eyes speak honestly and openly for them 

for kids who find different ways to speak. 
For people who are starting new and seeking happiness. For friendships that were by no small coincidence.

Ramapo offers the lessons of relationship building, leadership, and independence that are taught in the home. We seek to empower the child, give each staff a way to lead in their own right. (Side note: leaders don't need to be upfront and carismatic. If there is any lesson that I have learned this summer it's that the most powerful leaders come from behind they share their ideas and let them mingle with everyone else's. They encourage people to step out of their comfort zones, they provide opportunity for others to step up. A leader is someone who comes from with in and provides a means or direction to help get others to where they want. They help those they are leading become self sufficient because they won't be able to be there forever. A leader is really someone who helps lift people to their whole potential. They are no greater than those they lead. We are all the same)

I find it sad that many people only experience the support and love that a home should be filled with at Ramapo. Yet how wonderful is it that they can experience that feeling and then seek to recreate it as their life moves forward. This summer has been long, it's been hard, been messy. At the same time this summer was filled with opportunity, growth, and love. The summer filled me with and even greater gratitude of what I have in life and love for the work I am moving towards. The last 10 weeks I have created a sort of home at Ramapo, more out of love than necessity. Camp is a safe place for many and it holds a special place in my heart and the lessons I have learned are inside of me. 

Home was found with the people of the Kingston ward. Accepted with love and joy, the people of the Kingston ward were so humble. Very few youth. Yet the love and bond those people share is moving. It is a testament that Christ's love is real and that we can find our heavenly home anywhere we are. 

I'm ready to be home. Home in the familiar reach of my family. With people I care deeply about. To Utah where the mountains reach the sky, are my protectors, and offer serenity. To the open arms of those I hold closest. Where standards aren't questioned. Home. It's a feeling. It's a place. It's safe.

Ramapo for Children was a place that not only opened my eyes to autism awareness but the work that I want to do as I move forward in life. Summer was incredible. I'm exhausted and it was worth every second. 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

attempt no.2

a list in which I try to describe the last 9 weeks:

A closing statement is yet to be found. There is still one more week here, I'm striving to stay in each hour - not look too far ahead - be present. Find the adventure in every day, and live that dream.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

We planned it.

There is a theme to every day at camp. Natalie and I decided to get real into the twin day thing. A lot of people refer to us as team utah so that's what we went as. We matched all the way down to our shoe laces and watches. 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

To reflect

Camp is a really interesting place. 
We dedicate so much time to these kids. 
Close to 17 hours everyday. 
I don't mind. 
I love playing with them. 
My supervisor told me that I'm giving more than I'm getting back. 
Which is fine. 
but dangerous. 
I would have to agree. 

To reflect is an act. 
a careful consideration.
a thought.
an image. 

an act that takes time.
how very crucial 
to keeping the existence
of our very souls intact.  

Go on, shine.
take time to let some of that light come back to you. 

Halfway there

Week 1 of three of Session 2 is over. 
Time is starting to pick up, it is a really bitter sweet thing. 
The challenge team is made up of some of the most amazing people and I consider it a privilege to be able to spend these short 10 weeks with them. We met only 5 weeks ago, yet it feels as if we have known each other for ages. 
This week was a good one in challenge. I have had the opportunity to work with a group of 7 girls between the ages of 13-15. These girls are truly phenomenal. We have been working with them on teamwork and effective communication. They are all very competitive so it can be a struggle for people to feel they are being heard or appreciated in the group. 
Yesterday I took them up on the multivine in the high ropes course. Some really incredible moments happened up there. One girl started crying after she came down and her whole team was there by her side immediately. Chants of "we're here for you" "you can do it" "i know how you feel i was just as scared" were heard all through the hour. They were being open, they were being vulnerable(a crucial part of this process), they were connecting. I had to step back and think to myself, "this is my job, I hang out with kids and help them find better sides to themselves." 
I am so incredibly lucky. 
Every day I laugh.
If you don't laugh you'll cry as we say here. 
Moments of the week:
Calling Seth(a camper on the spectrum) from the challenge phone and ordering pizzas then asking him where they were whenever i saw him. 
Peter walking over to the 5 gallon bucket of water I had out for a game, picking the whole thing up and dumping it on himself then just looking at me and saying, "wet boy! happy boy! i sorry!" 
Adam (one of my campers) seeing bananas on the table for breakfast, throwing his hands up and running out the other side of the dining hall saying, "IT'S A BANANA DEATH TRAP!!"
From Natalie: JD was climbing up on high ropes and just kept going "sweet mother molasses! i can't die this way!" He also always asks to see our smiles.
David telling us every day that he is going to go get starbucks on his day off - i bet he'll have a story about it tomorrow. 
This place is crazy. 

It's a really great job I have, exhausting but wonderful. No doubt I'm looking forward to being back in Utah, but i will also miss it here. We play with kids. What more could you want?

This poem describes exactly what I do and what I want to do with my career path. 

I tried to teach my child with books
he gave me only puzzled looks 
I tried to teach my child with words
they passed him by often unheard
despairingly, i turned aside 
how shall i teach this child i cried!
come, he said, play with me. 

Keep a childlike awe. 
love life. 
see you soon utah. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

For Superman, and my sister!

Yesterday was really hard. 
Just a typical Tuesday, I had bunks run out on me in challenge, was covered in hives, and worked till a little after midnight.
I also went on a run, got to belay lots, made friends with Emanuel (a camper) and ate peaches. Those things were happy. 
This morning I decided to forget what happened yesterday and make today great. 
The bunk that I ran through ropes course this morning didn't try to physically fight with each other! While curse words were flying everywhere while they were up on the ropes I didn't really care because they were also cheering one another on. Boo ya. It was just a brief second,but that brief second held glimmers of relationships that are there and held close like a family. 
I had my trail kids up with me this afternoon and I ran the pamper pole with them. I was so happy when Adam, my camper who is limited verbal climbed up 6 rungs on the ladder and communicated that he was done. 
Before each camper climbs we ask them what their goal is, Rayon kept saying to superman! Right before he got on the ladder he looks at me and says for superman, and my sister! He took a step up and decided that was enough. Suddenly there was a second wind of courage and Rayon climbed up 4 rungs on the ladder. The kids were cheering like crazy and he just can't stop smiling!
This is why I love this place. 
Small acts are celebrated every day and these kids really do love each other, even if they fight, even if they call each other names, even if they say that everyone hates them or that they don't like anybody.
I also love how pure everyone's thought process is. Rayon loves superman, and he loves his sister. 
The small things pull me through each day. 
I want to have some epic conclusion or reflection to this story. . . i'm still processing. 
This is what I know. 
Happiness comes from our choices.
I'm choosing happiness. 
Choosing to see the good in each day. 
Helping others to make those choices as well
no matter how hard. 

Monday, July 1, 2013

A broken throne

So remember that time a kid threw a tantrum and literally shattered the toilet. the second day of camp.
Well, here's the proof. 
I don't make these stories up.
It's nuts here. 
I love camp.

Also, rama plauge hit this week. Pretty much half of camp is in "isolation" which is quarantine. 
Ashton has beat me at chess about 14 times, which is every time. 
Caillou (notorious for raising all sorts of problems) and I had a real conversation where I was educated about baseball and other sports, what to do in the city, and what foods he thinks are good.
Matt and Nick, who fight all the time, worked together on the rock garden (a low ropes element) and after told me that they could try to keep being friends at their next activity because it felt good to be nice.
Peter rice and I played blues clues
Steven asked my name 7 times, how to spell it, and then started calling me "Sarah Jessica Brothers"
I got Pierre (a kid who pretends to be non verbal) to use his words during challenge. 
and so much more. I love these kids so much. Even though they are a pain one second, then they do something amazing the next and you can't help but love them. I love behavioral kids for some reasons and I love the autistic ones for others. They are each an individual, and each one is wonderful in their own way. There's nothing wrong with these kids, they just need to be taken care of or taught in ways that are different from a factory. There is no cookie cutter answer, it's complicated, it's messy, it's hard, and i love it (most of the time) :)

Sundays in NY

One day way back in late march tom talked about visiting his grandma in Boston during the summer. 
I jokingly said, "when you're there we should hang out in New York"
a chuckle and oh that sounds great was all that was said about the matter until a few weeks ago. 
We actually pulled it off and yesterday was spend blissfully gallivanting around New York City with one of my favorite people.
Saturday night I rode the train from Rhinecliff to Penn Station, got a little lost on the subway, found the uptown train, made it to Time Square, Grand Central, then finally 86th on the upper east side and found where I would be spending the night. Lorinda, shout out for your help in contacting your friends, they were so kind and wonderful. 
Sunday I got up early and was able to go to church! It was so refreshing to attend. If I can go at least every other week, I think I'll be able to make it through the summer. 
The church in Manhattan is really cool! It looks just like any other building and then when you go inside it's like you've been transported back to Utah. also everything is stacked. It was a wonderful morning. 
Tom, his dad and grandma picked me up and we went all over New York. 
Ground Zero, Brooklyn Bridge, Time Square, Little Italy, then finally made it up to the MET and Central Park. 
The MET and Central Park were my favorite part of the day. I would have been perfectly happy hanging out at those places all day.

Tom pulling a Ferris Bueller at the MET. (Cameron)

A little excited to be riding the Subway. 

Dave was so kind to offer to drive me back to camp, so they got to see what I do on the daily. 

All in all. Yesterday was great. I loved every second. 
Tom is kind of my very favorite. And yesterday might have very well been the highlight of my summer. 

see ya in 47 days utah. 
is it awful that i know that?

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


the other day, ashton, one of my campers who likes to pretend to be far too cool for school but secretly loves camp, was telling me about his day while i was up working in challenge.
he told me he got a letter with a picture and asked if i wanted to see it. 
I told him, "yes." 
The picture was of him and a girl about his size all dolled up. 
I asked him who it was. 
to which he replies, "that's my girlfriend and me and fifth grade graduation, we've been together since march 11th"

the days are long, but i love these kids. 

17 hour days.

sometimes i really think i'm crazy.
i'm so exhausted. 
so tired of just accepting that it's not anything that i'm doing that these kids are acting this way. 
hanging on to every shred of hope that one child will have a break through.
that they might break the habits and everything they know. 
about ready to just lay down and say "no more. not today. i'm sorry i can't."
then a child who struggles to keep his patience and temper helps a non verbal child understand and participate.
i can hang on for one more hour. one more day. 

one foot in front of the other

Monday, June 24, 2013

one foot

About 2 and a half weeks ago i left on an adventure for summer and really had no idea what i was getting into.
the last 2 weeks were referred to as orientation.
they kept telling us the real training would start when campers arrived.
i was skeptical.
guess what.
they were right. 
last night i have never gone to bed more discouraged, tired, and overwhelmed in my life.
i have also never gone to bed more excited to give more than what is asked, hopeful, and ready to start a new day. 
every day i am in awe. 
these kids, while they have special needs, are amazing and so wonderful.
each one is unique in their own way.
the reason this is so hard is because of those attributes because there is no perfect answer. 
there is no clear way to deal with every situation. 
you have guidelines and different rules
then you make it work.
just like life. 

ramapo is a special place.
i'm happy to be here right now.
every day is hard. 
we're learning and growing. 
everyone together. camper and counselor. 
it's hard. but i'll be better for it. i know it. 

just put one foot, in front of the other.
that's how we're getting through this summer. 

there are also some pretty fantastic individuals here. 
Jenna and Natalie who work on the challenge team with me are some of my very best friends. 
I'm glad heaven decided to give them to me. 

Friday, May 31, 2013


It's snow cone season. Today was simply and wholly wonderful. Filled with moments so delicious and filling as you drank them in. Life is pretty wonderful :)

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

That Valley Though

The past few weeks the mountains have been calling my name. 
Monday, Tom, Ethan, and I decided to take the day and go searching for some Greek gods atop Mount Olympus.

The view is certainly spectacular.
Places that are up high are my very favorite. They keep life in perspective. 

it is amazing how a few perfect moments in this beautiful world can confuse my heart to a point of utter chaos.
I live in a really incredible place. 
okay. well maybe the world in general is just gorgeous. but i'm partial to my little slice. 

oh. by the way. that's tom. we go on dates and other adventures. i like him. 

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

It's a Wonderful Life.

This post got half way done then finished about a week later... my feelings are still the same. 
It's been rather quiet on the blog as of late.
This semester has flown by.
I'm a busy girl. 
15 credits, part time job, playing a sport, and trying to have some sort of social life will do that to you. 
HOWEVER. I finished my last final about 2 hours ago. Came home. Cleaned my apt. and while I was mindlessly vacuuming all these reasons kept popping into my head of why this semester has been significantly awesome.
and since pictures say 1000 words. I'll let them do the talking.

Said goodbye for 18 months to Katherine. 

Had a splendid break and many adventures hanging out with McKann. 

Serendipitous sightings. 

Herbie and the Stoics. 
This was at the waffle party and one of the first interactions of friends that led to a wonderful semester. 
I also came to the conclusion that manatees are comparable to potatoes, and used it during catchphrase.
Everyone thought I was a goof. 

Said goodbye to Miss Dottie. She's doing splendid on her mission. 

Shredding the canyons with some of my favorite people, McKann and Aaron

MOA dates with Chloe. It's magic there. 

It's casual. 

Rugby trips made this semester WONDERFUL. 

Random snow pits and castles on campus 

Pre New Testament naps with Mikaela

Water polo for DAYS. Intramural happiness.  

Shamrock Shakes. 

Finally having outdoor rugby practice. 

Post game Rugby trips to the beach. 

Wildlife wednesday. Every wednesday. I owe a lot of the friendships and adventures this semester to Marketing 241. It's how we all met, and I couldn't be more thankful for the friends that have come out of that class. People may have hated our crew for taking up the back two rows in the JSB auditorium, we loved it. That's all that matters. 
One time we tried to have a bonfire. And it was really windy. So it didn't really work. but we sure had a fun time galavanting around south fork canyon. 
Some saturdays I spend with old friends. Going to Macy's getting Ice Cream, talking about life, then flying a kite around Rock Canyon, having a full on photo shoot, laughing, smiling and remembering why you love people and the world. It was a wonderful afternoon. 

SOCIAL REC 215. This class was once a week on Tuesdays for 3 hours. And it was the BEST class. We learned techniques for involving people, essentially it's EFY counselor 101 but it was so much fun! I simply adored my professor, Dr. Palmer. He is so passionate about improving peoples lives and putting a smile on their face. A perfect reminder that not only is it okay, but completely necessary to keep a child like awe and interest about us as we get older. Fun is a huge motivating factor and we should use it to benefit the world around us. 

Best day of class :) 

Intramurals yet again. Best cheer squad ever. 

Basketball games. 7th row. Giant Brandon Davies Head. Need I say more?

Fighting gravity and laying upside-down on the Y. . . TERRIFYING. 

Judith hit a milestone. 

Cowboys and indians party. My tribe. 

Colors with my chickees. 

All time favorite picture. Colors. Happiness. One of my favorite people. Pure Joy. 

Easter with the family. 

Sunday afternoons spent in Jamestown 18 watching march madness and just chilling. 

Baseball games.

BLOSSOMS. Lovely clusters. I love how they just show up over night, and smell so delightful. Running down streets of blossom filled tress has never been so wonderful.

Blanket forts with the crew. Where we lived for about a week. Studying for finals, playing truth or dare, watching movies, and denying the fact that the semester was coming to a end. Our lives fluctuate wildly between crushing responsibilities and pretending that we're 5 years old.  

Sunday dinners and FIFA at Gillian and Bryson's place. 

Study swag. Sometimes this is the only thing that gets you through studying... swagshirts and herbiecaccons. 

Saying goodbye to my kindred spirit. 

Because this is just so us. 

Other things that made this semester wonderful include
PB&J's from Blue Line.
Frozen Rain.
The Hunger Banquet.
Extreme air sports followed by Herbies trip to the ER.
Library parties.
Pulling good grades.
Sleeping people.
Dance parties.
Phantom of the Opera.
Walking on frozen Utah Lake.
Wonderful drives and talks with people.
Tunnel soccer.
When McKann brought me Tacquitos in class.
Walks home from campus.
Laughter. So much laughter.

So, while it may seem all I do is school, work, and rugby I manage to squeeze a little bit of fun in there as well. Maybe I don't sleep as much as I should, but I'll sleep when I'm dead.

This semester has been one of my favorite yet at BYU. It's cheesy, but I really have some great friends to thank for that. We've been through a lot together and connected in really great ways. They couldn't have come into my life at a more perfect time and I'm so incredibly grateful for each and every one. More then I think they can really understand. Thanks for all the adventures and memories thus far, let's keep 'em coming.

California here we come :)

We'll be back shortly Provo.