Monday, May 30, 2011


Sounds pleasing my ears: Arcade Fire - The suburbs

^^^^^ me.

I have today off from school, and I would normally be living it up at the park however... it's SNOWING. I repeat. May 31, 2011. SNOW. yay Park city!

So. It's been a month. And guess what??? I got one of these \/\/\/

Oh yes. the simply wonderful, beautiful, gorgeous Nikon D3100 is mine. and I am in LOVE.
might as well tell you what it's like to be me via pictures.


Got this camera for my birthday, and the next day we had an AP test. So naturally that calls for ditching the rest of the day.

It was sunny :)

Then later that week I decided to celebrate my birthday with some lacrosse and some EPIC urban exploring

We found some sweet roofs. enjoyed the sunset. and got eaten by some trees.

Quality Evening.

we then tried to be indie.

"Jordan. Be indie!"

The next weekend there was a prom.

I didn't get asked by anyone at my school. So this pretty cool guy in my ward set me up with his nephew who lives in SLC.

but only because I had to go ;) yay stu co duties.

Prior to this picture being taken, we had never met.

Made for a good story.

Le group.
all in all
Twas a fun night.

I graduated from seminary!!!! YAY!

THEN the lacrosse season ended.

I got to play in the all star game. Last game on dozier. as of now I have no picture of this event.

Sad Day.

I miss everyone and it all so much.

However, we were all reunited at the banquet where we had THE BEST time taking pictures and laughing. Like us lovely ladies do.

we're family.

Lovely ladies. Minus a few.

Goal buddy :)

Only because deeds looks HOT.

Go here. if you want to see them all.

The U2 360 tour also came through SLC this last week.

Lexi and I randomly decided to go down and see & hear what we could.

it went a little something like this \/\/\/\/\/

First we got there, we could hear perfectly but this was all we could see. . .

so i got creative.

and climbed up on this ledge.

our view was now this \/\/\/

We were having an AWESOME time seeing little pieces of Bono on the jumbo tron.

that is till the cops came. and spotlighted us.

So. we got down and the creativity continued. that is until I noticed this \/\/\/\/

So we went over. and did the same, and was only yelled at by one more cop the entire night.

Kinda glad I didn't pay the $29039570382709485 to get in.

Classiest Tuesday Ever.

"No, thank you Bono!"


the other day. we were driving in J-Cutts new jeep.

AND THIS HAPPENED. It stopped raining for like .009 seconds. \/\/\/\/\/

There was a double rainbow! however, you can not see it.


We then proceeded to get his jeep very, very muddy.


I also went to go watch these kids \/\/\/\/\/ Graduate.

Oh, HUGS! so much lub going all around.

Ha. That too was a random night, one of the most fantastically awkward dinners I have attended. I loved every second.

I'm glad I've been able to be friends with Jean-Christan & Payton, they have helped make senior year that much more entertaining.

now you've seen my past month, all captured on camera.

2 weeks left till graduamation time. Cannot.wait.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011