I could tell you about how crazy the last two days were or rant about everything that happend. However, I think there's already enough negativity on the internet (go look at tumblr) and I don't feel like adding to the ever growing adolescent voices complaining about their lives publicly. At least not tonight.
No, what I want to say is that even when things aren't 100% peachy life still has it's ways of making you smile.
For example. Yesterday I ran ALL the way up temple hill. Hot tubbed with gillian. and ate some delicious cupcakes from Suzanne. Today, I wasn't late to my class. I got about a million complement on my outfit. I got to sit with Alec and Lexi outside on a bench in the beautiful sunshine. I ran into Ellie. I ran into Wesley. I saw Taylor Rane one last time, gave him a big hug and said "see you in two, elder" There was a mustache photo booth on campus. Katherine walked with me to the testing center and left a lovely note even despite the fact I missed my 'i'll make make dinner for you promise.' Dottie came over with a surprise, a cupcake form the coca bean. muumm delicious. And we sat on the balcony and talked, laughed, looked at the stars for a few hours. I'm so thankful for her and so glad to be living with her in a short three weeks :)
Yes. While these days do get long, so very long. There's a lot of reasons to be happy. I don't want to forget about them. They're little bursts of flavor in my life. And while we might be so focused and stressed about everything we have to do - promise me you wont forget to look around a second and enjoy the company you're with. See the simple ways your blessed and enjoy the little cupcakes that add up to the cake of life.
okay. maybe that last line was a little forced. and I probably could have done better. but I'm tired. and I seem to have had a lot of cupcakes in my life recently.
happy wednesday people.
words form uncle kenny's blog. |