Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Word Vomit

Location: Stiff chair

Listening to: Jack Johnson

Avoiding: What ever one avoids at 1:17 am.

So here comes the word vomit... sometimes, things just come out... and actually make sense. I don't want to complain. Because complaining on blogs seems rather cliché. Although, I am a culprit. So can I gripe? State issues? Say what's on my mind? Can I do it with out being cliché? I could try. I'll also be two times as likely to mess this all up. But I suppose everyone deserves their place to display what they have and leave it to the critics to tear apart. I don't even know where I'm going with this. My mind just flows. I'm constantly growing and changing. I try to understand and learn from life a little more each day... so, my mind keeps being reorganized and renewed with the current of day to day life. Maybe this is the adventure in life, just trying to get it right. It doesn't always go the way we plan, so we go back in our heads and re work everything, re define, re adjust... after this is done, well, we find out who our real friends are. The ones who help you through whatever "re" process, and watch you stumble, but still help. They give us a safe place to figure everything out, to talk to. Actually, seems we feel loneliest when we don't have anyone to talk to about our new ideas. My best friends, well, their those who listen, let me laugh, let me talk, let me smile when it's ridiculous, they still love me as I re think me. I miss some of those people. Terribly. They're far away.. I'm re thinking/defining/adjusting me right now. I'll let you know how it goes.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Frozen things they all unfreeze.

Location; a clean desk.

Listening to; summertime :) playlist.

Avoiding; Packing

I'll make this one a quickie. Seeing as I still need to pack and check off 1298675 things to do before I go to bed. And no, I do not regret the choices I made today to cause all this "to do" stuff to be pushed back to now.

1) Sometimes I look at people, and what they say, and I really just wish I knew exactly what they meant. I want to decode them sometimes. As weird as that is. Reading minds would be nice. I mean, (I know I'm a culprit...) ambiguousness would be a nice thing to rid the world of.

2) I miss my best friend.

3) Katie gets here in approx. 13 days. David in 11. :D

4) It's summer!!! Hallelujah. life is basically, cross country, lax, work, and playing outside in the glorious sunshineee (: I L-O-V-E loveee it.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

a series of -ings

Location: the deck.

Listening to: Josh Ritter

Avoiding: Bordem... all my friends are sleeping or elsewhere.

Fact: school is out.
Fact: seniors are graduating.
Fact: I am NOT.

Part of me isn't ready to accept this. Part of me is. And part of me knows it has to happen. They say that we lose the ones we love, just to understand with a greater depth how much we really love them. I'm going to miss each and everyone of you. I love you- with everything I have.


Girls night with the VN :)

I love you chloe. sisters




3 generations... straight up.

Best friends (:

Love you forever ky.

Mitchell (:
