Over the summer I had the privilege of living with this wonderful girl.
Meet Marissa McLean.
Marissa and I go way back to the days of candy counter during my freshman year. Any saturday that you got to work TZ with Marissa was a great day, because it meant bagel bins & bars and gum. Which equal awesome chats. I would tell her about my life and she would listen, we would laugh and talk about the crazy things she did as a freshman and I simply adored her. Which is funny, because she's told me that when she first met me she never thought we would be as close as we are now. I'm glad we got over that "oh no! what do they think of me" state of mind. Because she's pretty great.
There are a lot of reasons I love Marissa. I'm going to try and do justice to the amazing person she is.
1) Marissa loves fully, deeply, and well.
2) She takes time. I love talking with Marissa, she is an excellent listener and takes whatever you are talking about and gives such wonderful perspective and advice.
3) Secrets in her bed at 4 am. One time I came in after a night of craziness and just climbed in her bed with her. We told each other all our secrets. Sisterhood right there.
4) she loves the gospel SO much. I'm always amazed by Marissa's insights and love for the gospel. I've had the opportunity to liten to her testify this semester several times. She does so with grace, understanding, and pure love.
5) she is an example and force for good simply by the way she lives. Really though, she notices people and serves them. She is constantly thinking of others.
6) study parties at the library. Need I say more? they're always the best. She's a smartie pants.
7) she loves feeding people. and takes care of me. she has a generous heart.
8) i think she's one of the few people to ever see me cry on multiple occasions. she's a person who can be trusted.
9) her energy and love for life. marissa loves people. it's infectious. i always feel like a better person after being with her.
9.5) she is a connector. which is really neat when you think about it.
10) she takes me at my best and my worst. It means more than she could ever know. We've gotten each other through some hard patches - she's one of those people that comes in your life to help you and be helped.
11) you're always guaranteed a fun adventure with Marissa. It's the best. we have far too many.
12) the way she lights up when she sees you. It's wonderful, totally genuine, and it just makes me and others around me so very happy.
13) midnight adventures. couch sitting. swimming. chalk art. jumping into pools with our clothes on. laughing till it hurts. dance parties. cooking. 4th of july. she played a huge part in one of the greatest 4 month periods of my life. so. many. memories.
14) she writes beautifully. She has a truly poetic nature about her.
15) she is a good snuggler :)
These are just a few reasons I love this girl. Who she is constantly amazes me.
I love watching her grow. Hearing about her life. Discovering things. Her teaching me things. We just hava a wonderful relationship. I wouldn't trade it for anything. So thankful for her.
When you're 19 you need someone checking in on you. Marissa, you do just that. You are one of my very very best friends and I certainly know it was by no small chance that we met. And while I am a little bummed that things didn't work out for me to move to the blue house with her I'm thankful for the time we've shared together thus far. More memories are yet to be made! So many adventures to be had, laughs to be shared! Thanks for being there for me, through the laughs and tears, I'm always here for you.
Happy 21st darling.
Love you a million and more.
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