I'm not really sure what it is with BYU and old men (I'm talking grandpas) just hanging around campus. Especially in the Smith Field House weight room and track.
The past few days I had some ridiculous run ins (literally) that may just humor you.
In my weights class there is always this old guy who is lifting with his buddy. They were probably charmers in high school, on the football team, lifting heavy things - doing manly stuff. Ya know. This man always comes up to Kim, Whitney, and me and just says the funniest things.
"How long do I have to lift to be as pretty as you girls?"
"Do you girls have a washing machine? because you aren't gonna need one with those abs!"
(after we finished a set of squats...)
"Are you girls flying home for christmas?"
"hahah...uh, no..."
"Well good! Because your buns of steel would set off those metal detectors!"
Mostly we think it's funny. And it works, because he's old. When you're old you have so much life experience that you can say whatever you want. If he was a middle aged man, different story. But golly, he must have been the biggest flirt.
Tuesday I had to go straight from weights to the TR club meeting. I changed my clothes and walked out of the bathroom on to the track and there was this old man running at full speed in the 4th lane. My first thought was, this lane is for walking he will probably move in to the passing lane. Second thought. He's not moving... I move over to the 3rd lane and so does this man.
At this point there is no time to correct my mistake.
Everything was slow motion for a brief moment and he full on barrels into me... sweat was everywhere and the impact was overall unpleasant. He then turns and used his grumpy old man voice to tell me I'm walking the wrong way on the track and kept running. . . well thanks for pointing that out, the door I needed to go out of is literally 10 feet away from the bathroom and I wasn't walking all the way around the track...
SO my fellow BYU lady friends. Beware of old men, they may run into you or make you feel great with kind of creepy but totally hilarious complements.
Part of me can't wait to be old enough to say things and have people be totally okay with it, because, ya know, she's the old lady.