Location: Living Room
Listening to: Norah Jones <3
Avoiding: the cold.
Observations- As I was driving down from my good friend Tyler's house the other night I was in the green car AKA Judith which I was also so fortunate to damage [slightly, just the bumper] about a month and a half ago. It was a mistake I made, but I did every thing in my power to make things right again. Anyways- Before the car was taken to the body shop there was this big chunk missing, exposing the tire, staring back mockingly every time I walked out the door. I hated myself for that.
Now, the car is fixed. I've moved on. However, I couldn't help but think how life is so much like that. It's funny how things fade. Time just seems to be an illusion. Moments are gone as quickly as the first one came. Cuts heal, dents reversed, scars fade, memories are burned into our minds, perfect moments relived. [Strange how we never appreciate them till later.] Living in love, remembering the warmth of a summers son on the coldest winters night. Feel the soft touch of someone we love when we're all alone. Escape to the memories, the ones that make us whole. Make us who we are. We choose what to remember.
In other news;
The winter soundtrack has been pretty sweet. Skiing. Being with people I love. Doing silly things (50 piece chicken nugget?) Lacrosse. Snowy days. I love watching it snow-- it's like the world is at peace. Nights of making dinner with friends. Just sitting and talking. Song writing. Hot Potts. The laughs, the tears, and the hugs. Everything has been so worth it. I've come closer to some, and have had to grow away from others, and even been reconnected. I've smiled. And I know with in a couple of months life as I know it will take an 180. I'm scared, but I'm excited-- for the new adventure that lies ahead. The new soundtrack.
500 days of summer = favorite movie of all time.
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