Sunday, February 7, 2010

Nothing Worthwhile is Ever Easy

Location: Bedroom Floor

Listening to: Some CD they gave us in YW today.

Avoiding: AP Art History

This image was on post secret today. It stuck out to me. Partly because the simplicity, the serenity, and hopefulness of the secret.

The spring spoken of is both a metaphor and truth. Even though the things that have gone on in recent months have been so hard, felt so cold, so dark, so much like winter. However, I know I will be rewarded, some how. After all, as Thoreau said, "Nothing worthwhile is ever easy," it's all so worth it in the end. Things truthfully are looking up. Becoming more like "spring." I'm understanding more and more why I have been placed where I am. I'm having doors open up. It may not be what I imagined, but it never is. I'll just keep moving forward and hoping for the best.

Plus, everyone knows what spring means. Lacrosse season (: (yeah, I would.)

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