Sunday, October 17, 2010


Location: Office

Listening to: 500 days of summer

Avoiding: sleep...

I've been thinking. About secrets.

We all have them, but what makes some statement of our intentions, feelings, or the truth worthy of these barriers? Why are we so afraid? It's because it makes us vulnerable, we let down all defenses. More often then not we don't tell the people we love the most these secrets, because, let's face it, those we love have the most power to hurt us.

See, that's where trust comes in. Trust in friendship/love/any relationship (whatever you want to call it) is imperative. See, I trust people until they prove that trust can't be there. Some may disagree with this, and I will admit, I have crashed and burned because of it every so often. Yet, it usually plays in my favor. Still, it brings me back, those we love and those we trust have the most power to hurt us because they can judge us. The way I see it, when one person knows all of your secrets... your deepest, darkest, most dreadful secrets of which no one else in the world knows... and yet in the end, that one person does no
t think any less of you; even if the rest of the world does, that is real friendship and love right there.

So why is it so hard to open up? Why do we fear people getting in side our minds? I would venture to say that the issue will just keep circling to the same point. . So let's try and not judge what others are facing. I've been working hard on not being judgmental for awhile. I'm not perfect, I'm working on it, but then again, who is perfect? But I'm not perfect, I'm afraid as any of you are.

We all have secrets, what's yours?

my secret? ask. maybe i'll tell.

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