Thursday, November 10, 2011

hear that? it's your heart. follow it.

I'm sitting here.
Wondering why I'm awake. It's only 11:32.... early by college standards. But last night I was dumb and slept on a couch in the lobby knowing that would be the only thing to make me get up early.
after 2 hours of glorious sleep, I learned my lesson.
note to self: never do that again.
any who.
life is. getting better. 
really this semester has taken a 180 degree turn.
I am finding people I want to be friends with for a long time. It's nice. Refreshing. Just to be able to talk. to someone about something and just have them listen first and then really understand where you are coming from. 
also. today I had THE coolest opportunity.
The CEO of ASCEND was speaking in the Clark Building
she had a lot of good things to say. but if I just had to pick one it would be this:

Passion: love it or leave it.

whatever you do. follow your passion. do what you love because you'll be so much happier. Don't be afraid, it will take you further than you can even imagine because you're fueled by something so pure. so needed in the human existence. 
so next semester I think I might just take a photography class. Go on a trip. Influence someone's life.

Living the dream.


1 comment:

  1. You've already influenced my life in such a wonderful way. I hope you know how amazing you are Sar! :)
