Friday, June 1, 2012

Pride and Will

My body hurts. SO BAD. 
But it's a good hurt, because it means I'm getting stronger.
On top of training for ragnar & a marathon, no sleep, working full time, church stuff, and spending way to much time at Macy's grocery store I've started conditioning with the Lacrosse team again.
I have endurance. I know that. I've spend several months building up that endurance. And it FEELS GOOD to just be able to go run 7 miles. Even if it hurts and I want to stop. But I know I'm stronger than that and have so much more room to improve. 
The thing I lack is speed.
I want to be fast so badly.
At conditioning I come in last on the 100 M sprints, but the longer ones 400 M I'm near the top. I can go, but I gotta learn to be faster. 
We max out on things like pull ups and push ups. And it hurts, but knowing you can't do anymore it's something to be proud of. and knowing that you went until your breaking point you literally put every ounce of strength and grunt in, doing 5 more when you think you're done. That. That is will. 
We also have to run 10 miles a week on our own but that's easy. No problem

My goals before tryouts start is to run a 15 second 100 M
10 pull ups. BY MYSELF.
Have the ability and muscle memory to stay on my toes.
and to get a baller band.

I want this more than anything. And I won't stop until I get it. I won't stop after I get it. I'm here to be challenged. To have Pride in my self (personal respect in daily excellence) and the will to keep going. Even when I feel like throwing up, because this is just the beginning.

Why am I telling you this? It's because I'm working hard. I want you to know and hold me accountable to my goals. It makes me stronger, and while this all may seem very selfish... it sorta is. but I also want to be able to give something to my team. Be a player that builds and simply adds to the beauty of the game. I believe I can be that. I believe I am that. I will, I can, I am.

And if coach doesn't see just how hard I've worked. How many mornings I've drug myself out of bed to go run. How many times I've thrown a ball at  wall. How much sacrifice I've made for her team. How badly I want this. Then it's okay. Because I KNOW what I did. And if that's not enough, then nothing is.
I'll just go play rugby ;)

Once a laxer. Always a laxer.

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